Frequently Asked Questions
The following are frequently asked questions for each of Wisconsin Connect program offerings.
Will the ECHO sessions be recorded?
The didactic will be recorded and posted to the WI CONNECT website within 2 weeks. The case presentation and discussion will not be recorded to maintain confidentiality.
Can I receive continuing education credit for watching didactics after they are posted on the WI CONNECT website?
Unfortunately, no. We do not have the capacity to track participation once the live sessions end.
Can I participate in specific ECHO sessions or do I have to attend the entire series?
You can participate in whichever sessions you choose. Once you register you will receive emails explaining how to participate in each monthly session. Join us whenever you are able!
How will my continuing education credits be calculated?
You will earn credit for each session you attend live. Credit will be provided at the end of the series in December.
Substance Use and Pregnancy Certificate Program
Can I view the online training courses on FAS and NAS without registering for the certificate program?
Yes. They are available for anybody to complete. However, if you want to earn the certificate you will need to register prior to completing any of the pre-work.
How will I be able to access the required articles?
Access to the required reading will be provided upon registration.
I already completed the Certified FASD Educator certificate. How is this certificate different?
The Substance Use and Pregnancy Certificate Program provides information on an expanded list of drugs and their impact on pregnancy. There is additional emphasis on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome/Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal. This program does not prepare you to train the material, but rather to take the information back to your agency and complete the required Action Plan for your site.
What happens if I do not complete all of the pre-work prior to the live sessions? Can I still participate?
All pre-work must be completed, and all Self-Study Feedback Forms must be received by September 4th to participate in the live sessions. If the pre-work is not completed by the deadline, you can participate in the live sessions next year.
What happens if I cannot attend all four live sessions in the certificate program?
To complete the certificate all of the pre-work, live sessions, evaluation, and Action Plan must be completed. We understand extraordinary circumstances may arise. Please contact the course coordinators to discuss your concerns.
What does WI CONNECT stand for?
A1: We ask ourselves that every day!
A2: Wisconsin Collaborative of Treatment Professionals for Education and Capacity Training. Yes, it’s a stretch, we know!
How are contuinuing education units calculated
Refer to our Continuing Education Policy page.
Read more about continuing education general information from the College Board.
Read more about continuing education general information from the College Board.
Zoom Help
Refer to the Zoom Official FAQ page.
If your question is in regards to a specific training, please email [email protected]
If your question is in regards to a specific training, please email [email protected]